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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Alfred Hitchcock Film Fest

Next week the Philadelphia Film Society will be showing a quadruple feature of the new film HitchcockPsychoRebecca, and The Birds. Now, I have never seen Rebecca but I have seen The Birds and Psycho. Both of which I think are really great movies. I can't wait to seen them on the big screen, I think it is just going to be great. I am curious about Hitchcock however. I have been hearing mixed reviews about the movie but a lot bad. Some die-hard Hitchcock fans are bound to be critical towards a movie talking about his film life. I hope this movie is good because it sure does seem cool in the previews. I am a little disappointed that they couldn't make Anthony Hopkins look a LITTLE more like Hitchcock, but what are you going to do, he's a great actor none the less. From what I can see in the previews it looks like Scarlett Johansson will portray a great Janet Leigh. Obviously I will have to wait until Wednesday next week to find out. I will see Hitchcock and Psycho on Wednesday, and Rebecca and The Birds on Thursday. My reviews of Hitchcock and Rebecca will be posted that Friday, as well as the experience watching them on the big screen. Thanks for reading, and be sure to stay tuned with more reviews. As always, thanks for watching

Linus Schill–––––––13

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